How To Lead Train A Puppy

How To Lead Train A Puppy

There are several training that you must give to your puppy or dog. But one of the first thing you need to teach your puppy is how to behave when on a leash, how to walk by your side when on leash or how to lead train a puppy properly.

It is essential that you and your puppy to master How To Lead Train A Puppy for future benefit.

The benefits are safer and manageable such as if you have a big guard dog Rottweiler, it is crucial that your Rottweiler behaves properly when on a leash walking inside a public park or garden.

Training your dog or puppy to walk on a leash needs effort and patient, especially if you have a new puppy Rottie who loves to bite & chew anything it sees or in teething period, like mine. Never give up if your puppy takes a little longer time to be trained. Trust me it will be worth it in the end.

How to Train your Puppy To Walk On A Leash

Check out the following live demo from, very beneficial:


You will need dog treats, a collar and a leash with lots of love, consistency, patient and continuous training.

Here are the 3 easy step by step to train you puppy to walk on a leash:

Step 1: Get your new puppy familiarize with wearing a collar when arriving first day at home. A light weight leather collar will be ideal for this task.

Place it on your puppy. Remember that not too tight or too loose and should be nice enough for puppy to breath. Use two fingers as measurement.

Of course when first put on, your puppy may feel uncomfortable and tries it’s best to remove it by scratching it off. Very simple, distract your puppy with chew toy, as well as treats. After few moments, it will get used to and forget that it is still wearing a collar.

Do not remove the collar until your puppy has settled down and get used to it.


Step 2: After your puppy is happy wearing his new collar, introduce the leash. Slowly let it sniff and play with it first and show him that leash is nothing to be afraid off. Attach the leash on the collar, and let loose your puppy to run around the house. Do properly supervise your puppy when running with the leash still attached to prevent any unwanted accident.

Do not remove both leash and collar until your puppy accepts them or forget about them.


Step 3: Now once your puppy gets used to the collar and the leash it is time to move on the next stage, walking with your puppy with the leash. Grab the other end of the leash. Just perform a simple walk within the house or yard. Small puppy loves to follow you whenever you go so use this to your advantage.

Note that ensure your puppy walks at your side, not before or ahead of you. This is to enable your puppy learns what is accepted and what is not when walking on a leash.

If it walks ahead of you, you should stop, but don’t Yank your dog back to you. Just stop walking and ask your puppy to come over to you, praise and give a treat. Then start walking again.

Repeat the same steps again if your puppy walks ahead or before you. Another important reason is that to establish you as the trusted and dependable leader or alpha dog for your puppy to follow and obey. If you allow your puppy to walk ahead of you or pulling you while walking, it means your puppy is the leader. This will creates a lot bad behavior in the future.

Remember; never ever keep walking when your puppy is pulling on the leash. This only rewards his behavior and reinforces the bad habit.

If your puppy sits while you are walking, do the same as above. Stop, ask your puppy to come over to you and then reward. Then set off walking again with your puppy at your side always.

There you have it the steps in How To Lead Train A Puppy.

All it takes to achieve success is to follow the above steps, then apply some patience and persistence.

Happy Training.

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